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Employment trends in Bavaria 2011 : part II: Representative analyses on the basis of the IAB Establishment Panel 2011


"This report is based on information provided in interviews with the owners or personnel managers of 1,187 representatively chosen establishments in Bavaria (period of survey: June to October 2010) within the framework of the annual, countrywide survey of the IAB Establishment Panel. The first part of the 2011 report (April 2012) contains the findings of the topics/focal points of the survey as regards basic data, the development of employment, the economic situation (2010), personnel structure, and the training/taking on of those trained at establishments, as well as support for further training by the establishments. The second part of the report which is already available contains chapters on personnel policy, investments and innovations, aging workforces and the requirement for skilled workers." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku)

Cite article

Kistler, E. & Trischler, F. (2012): Beschäftigungstrends im Freistaat Bayern 2011. Teil II: Repräsentative Analysen auf Basis des IAB-Betriebspanels 2011. (Beschäftigungstrends im Freistaat Bayern 2011,2), Stadtbergen, 73 p.


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