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Finding a job: Consequences for life satisfaction and interactions with job quality


"Using German and British panel data, we analyse the impact of transitions from unemployment to full-time employment on life satisfaction, with special focus on the influence of job quality. On average there are pronounced positive effects of a new job in both countries, even after controlling for income changes and other factors. These effects are smaller for people taking up low-paid jobs (in Germany, but not in Britain) or temporary jobs, but even this group is significantly better off compared to people remaining unemployed in both countries. We also use job satisfaction as an alternative indicator of job quality. Re-employed persons with low job satisfaction scores are not likely to experience a significant rise in life satisfaction." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Grün, C., Hauser, W. & Rhein, T. (2008): Finding a job: Consequences for life satisfaction and interactions with job quality. (IAB-Discussion Paper 24/2008), Nürnberg, 31 p.


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