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Alte Idee, neues Programm: Der Gründungszuschuss als Nachfolger von Überbrückungsgeld und Ich-AG


"The support of start-ups out of unemployment within the legislative framework of Social Code III (SGB III) is still one of the most important instruments of active labour market policy. On August 1, 2006, the new 'Start-up Scheme' (§ 57 SGB III) replaced its predecessors, the 'Bridging Allowance' and the 'Start-up Subsidy' (also known under its popular name 'Me Inc.'). Goals of the reform were more transparency, easier administration and a more efficient programme design. According to our study, the participants of the new scheme resemble rather those of the Bridging Allowance. Hence the new scheme does not cover the range of participants of the previous programmes. Despite former concerns the degressive transfer payments reduction rate does not have significant impact on the date of the start-up. A closer look shows that the participants of new Startup-Scheme have considerably high survival rates (75 - 84%), being clearly higher than those of the former programmes. Descriptive analyses show furthermore, that deadweight effects evidently have a much less significant role than argued." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Caliendo, M., Hogenacker, J., Künn, S. & Wießner, F. (2011): Alte Idee, neues Programm: Der Gründungszuschuss als Nachfolger von Überbrückungsgeld und Ich-AG. (IAB-Discussion Paper 24/2011), Nürnberg, 38 p.


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