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Special issue: The economics of apprenticeship and further training in Germany and Switzerland


"For more than 10 years, since demand for apprenticeship places has permanently exceeded their supply, there has been a growing interest in the economics of apprenticeship training. This has stimulated a wave of theoretical and empirical research on the topic. Since apprenticeship training is strongest in Germany and Switzerland, countries known for their highly developed systems of apprenticeship training, they are an ideal field for empirical analyses having stimulated a variety of different research topics and designs. This special issue of the Journal for Labour Market Research reflects this increased interest. It contains a broad set of papers on the economics of apprenticeship training and therefore also represents the respective research community in the two countries. However, apprenticeship training and further training cannot be seen independently, so the issue is rounded off by three papers on further training which nicely complement the empirical evidence on apprenticeship training and provides evidence on the long-term effects of apprenticeship and initial training during the life course." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku)

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Dietrich, H., Mueller, B., Mure, J., Neubäumer, R., Janik, F., Schweri, J., Krekel, E., Zwick, T., Steedman, H., Wolter, S., Kohaut, S., Walden, G., Gerner, H., Wagner, K., Muehlemann, S. & Tuor, S. (sonst. bet. Pers.) (2007): Special issue: The economics of apprenticeship and further training in Germany and Switzerland. In: Zeitschrift für ArbeitsmarktForschung, Vol. 40, No. 2/3, p. 129-351.