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Willst du deine Freunde, oder willst du Geld verdienen?


"How do public employment service (PES) staff view and evaluate the demands for increased mobility concerning the unemployed? And how do unemployed people cope with these demands? To address these questions, this paper draws on qualitative interviews with members of both groups. It focuses on discrepancies between the views of PES staff and those of the unemployed. These discrepancies give rise to concerns about possible conflicts between the two sides. PES staff emphasize the increase in employment opportunities that are associated with mobility and often view an unemployed person's readiness to move as an indicator of his or her motivation to seek work actively. This asserted causal relationship often contradicts the experience of unemployed people. It neglects experiences rooted in unemployed people's biographies and lifeworlds according to which demands for mobility may be seen as entailing serious risks." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Sondermann, A., Ludwig-Mayerhofer, W. & Behrend, O. (2007): Willst du deine Freunde, oder willst du Geld verdienen? Räumliche Mobilität in den Deutungen von Arbeitsvermittlern und Arbeitslosen. In: Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 56, No. 7/8, p. 173-180.