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Berufliche Weiterbildung als Bestandteil Lebenslangen Lernens (WeLL)


"The project 'Further Training as a Part of Lifelong Learning' (Berufliche Weiterbildung als Bestandteil Lebenslangen Lernens - WeLL) focuses on participation in continuous training and its effects on the professional status as well as income development of employees. The main question of the study is what leads employees to participate. To investigate the employees' circumstances and motives as well as their work environments, establishments and their employees are interviewed. In this manner a linked employer-employee data set is established. It can be used to analyse, why - within the same internal environment - some employees participate in further training while others abstain. The linked employer-employee data set contains face-to-face interviews with employers about their further training investments (WeLL additional employer survey) and a panel survey of their employees (WeLL employee survey). The WeLL survey of employees has been carried out once a year since 2007: The first wave (WeLL employee survey in 2007) was realised in winter 2007/2008, the second wave (WeLL employee survey in 2008) was conducted about a year later, in autumn / winter 2008. The method report deals with the gross sample, changes in the questionnaire from first to second wave, field work as well as the results of a selectivity analysis of the WeLL employee survey in 2008." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Knerr, P., Schröder, H., Aust, F. & Gilberg, R. (2010): Berufliche Weiterbildung als Bestandteil Lebenslangen Lernens (WeLL). WeLL-Erhebung 2008 - Methodenbericht. (FDZ-Methodenreport 08/2010 (de)), Nürnberg, 28 p.


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