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Übergangschancen benachteiligter Hauptschülerinnen und Hauptschüler


"The research report is based on the evaluation of the projects 'Increasing graduation quota - enhancing occupational capacities 2' (AQB2) and 'Improved occupational orientation and practice guidance' (VBOP). The two projects aimed at increasing the chances of successful school-to-training-transitions of less-educated youth. The projects intended to improve their occupational orientation, learning motivation and the practical relevance of education by establishing so called 'Be-rufsstarterklassen' and 'Praxisklassen', respectively, for low-achieving youth. These are separated classes, in which students attended of practical training in a form twice a week a und were supervised by 'occupational guidance advisers'. The two main goals of the projects were: successful graduation after grade 9 with a lower secondary school degree (Hauptschulabschluss) and getting a vocational training place. The projects in general had been successful. 90 per cent of the students of AQB2 and 95 per cent of the students of VBOP (who had attended the project until the end) obtained a lower secondary school degree. Moreover, 47 per cent of the AQB2 participants and 55 per cent of the VBOP participants (compared to 34 per cent of students attending a parallel class without 'treatment'), who left school after grade 9, have started with vocational training. However, this projects' success is reduced by a dropout rate of the two projects. In addition, AQB2 participants with good school grades had a lower chance to get a training place after leaving school than comparable students from the control classes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Solga, H., Baas, M. & Kohlrausch, B. (2011): Übergangschancen benachteiligter Hauptschülerinnen und Hauptschüler. Evaluation der Projekte "Abschlussquote erhöhen - Berufsfähigkeit steigern 2" und "Vertiefte Berufsorientierung und Praxisbegleitung". (IAB-Forschungsbericht 06/2011), Nürnberg, 158 p.


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