Couple Relationship and Family. A Neglected “Interface” in the (Professional) Re/Integration of Long/Post-COVID Sufferers
"Using Long COVID/Post-COVID Syndrome (LC/PCS), we argue for greater consideration of close family relationships in occupational reintegration research and the need for opening the “black box” family. Families resp. women are increasingly taking on tasks that were previously covered by family-based social security systems. We outline our conceptual considerations for multidimensional and subject-oriented research on vocational rehabilitation. Thereby, we explicitly focus on gender relations. We address double care gaps arising due to the unequal division of care work and the higher risk of women falling ill with LC/PCS, along with problems resulting in the areas of workplace and social security." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
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Jahn, F., Wimbauer, C. & Motakef, M. (2024): Paarbeziehung und Familie. Eine vernachlässigte Schnittstelle bei der (beruflichen) Re-/Integration von an Long/Post-COVID-Erkrankten. In: Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 73, No. 8-9, p. 689-705. DOI:10.3790/sfo.2024.1445009