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Barriers to humanitarian migration, victimization and integration outcomes: Evidence from Germany


"Asylum seekers who migrate from developing countries to Europe frequently experience victimization events during their journey. The consequences of these events for their economic integration into destination countries are not yet well explored. In this paper, we analyze how victimization during asylum seekers’ journeys affects their labor market integration in Germany by using survey data collected in the aftermath of the 2015 refugee crisis. Our data allow us to account for the exact timing and geography of migration, such that samples of physically victimized and nonvictimized refugees are balanced along a wide range of characteristics. We find that, compared to nonvictimized refugees, refugees who were physically victimized during their journey to Germany favor joining the labor force and taking up low-income employment rather than investing in host country human capital. To explain these findings, we explore a range of potential mechanisms and find suggestive evidence that experiencing physical victimization in vulnerable situations is not only associated with a decline in mental health but also with a “loss of future orientation” among physically victimized refugees, leading them to discount future payoffs more heavily." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Elsevier) ((en))

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Freitas Monteiro, T. & Ludolph, L. (2025): Barriers to humanitarian migration, victimization and integration outcomes: Evidence from Germany. In: World Development, Vol. 186. DOI:10.1016/j.worlddev.2024.106833