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On the Draft Act for Modernizing the Social Code, Book III : Statement of the IAB on the Draft Act for Modernizing the Unemployment Insurance and Active Labor Market Policies on 24 July


"The act for modernizing the Social Code, Book III aims to make the unemployment insurance and active labor market policies more user-friendly, transparent, efficient, and less bureaucratic. The IAB comments on the following aspects of the draft act: the cooperation plan for integration within Social Code, Book III; the reform of the start-up subsidy; cross-jurisdictional cooperations/youth employment agencies; career counseling for young people; career orientation internships; and extra-company apprenticeship training." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Anger, S., Bernhard, S., Janssen, S., Leber, U., Lerche, A., Oberfichtner, M., Reims, N., Sandner, M., Schels, B., Senghaas, M., Stephan, G., Toussaint, C. & Tübbicke, S. (2024): Zum Entwurf des SGB-III-Modernisierungsgesetzes. Stellungnahme des IAB zum Referentenentwurf eines Gesetzes zur Modernisierung der Arbeitslosenversicherung und Arbeitsförderung am 24.7.2024. (IAB-Stellungnahme 01/2024), Nürnberg, 19 p. DOI:10.48720/IAB.SN.2401


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