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Betriebe ohne Betriebsrat


"The labour relations in establishments without works councils have received increasing attention since the debate about the erosion of the dual system of co-determination. Against this background, using the data of the IAB-establishment-panel, the paper deals firstly with the coverage and quantitative development of the so called co-determination-free zones, but for the first time by taking into account firm specific institutionalized forms of participation. The question whether companies with such facilities differ from those without any means of employee representation leads us to an econometric analysis of their determinants, revealing as relevant factors structural characteristics of the company, the composition of the workforce and the coverage by a collective agreement. Furthermore we examine the possible effects of firm specific forms of participation on the establishments' personnel policy by using a matched-pairs-analysis. These facilities - in a similar manner to works councils - seem to stabilize matters, resulting among other things in lower labour-turnover-rates and greater efforts in the development of the firms' human capital." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Ellguth, P. (2005): Betriebe ohne Betriebsrat. Welche Rolle spielen betriebsspezifische Formen der Mitarbeitervertretung? In: Industrielle Beziehungen, Vol. 12, No. 2, p. 149-176.