Beschäftigungsanpassungen vor und während der Corona-Pandemie
"In view of the massive effects of the COVID 19 pandemic, companies have made extensive adjustments to their personnel policies. A high degree of internal (working time) flexibility flanked by a massive expansion of short-time work protected a large majority of 'insiders' on the German labour market and prevented a significant increase in unemployment. The massive reluctance of companies to hire, however, made transitions into the labour market difficult for 'outsider' - unemployed and young entrants to the labour market. In our paper we use data from the IAB Establishment Panel 2020 to show the extent to which the crisis affected establishments in Germany in the first lockdown, which instruments of employment adjustment establishments used and in what way establishments adjusted their employment. In a fixed-effects panel analysis, we look at how employment developed overall in negatively and positively affected establishments. Finally, we show which challenges and questions arise from the empirical analyses for German labour market and social policy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Cite article
Hohendanner, C. & Möller, I. (2022): Beschäftigungsanpassungen vor und während der Corona-Pandemie. In: L. Bellmann & W. Matiaske (Hrsg.) (2022): Sozio-Ökonomik der Corona-Krise, p. 43-67.