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Modernisierung des europäischen Gesellschaftsmodells


"An element of the Lisbonstrategy is an 'active and dynamic welfare state'. A major objective in this context is to raise EU-wide general and group-specific employment/population ratios by a significant degree up to the year 2010. In order to achieve these ambitious goals the joint European Employment Strategy tries to advance reforms in national labour market and social policies through commonly agreed goals, continuous monitoring and reporting, peer pressure and best practice exchange: Whereas the 'method of open coordination' embodied in this approach is able to cope with divergent national institutional arrangements, preliminary evidence shows that highly different performance levels persist across EU member states. A more in-depth look shows that labour market and welfare state reforms are influenced by national politico-economic factors rather than by EU goals and recommendations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Eichhorst, W. (2005): Modernisierung des europäischen Gesellschaftsmodells. Ein "aktiver und dynamischer" Wohlfahrtsstaat? In: R. Caesar, K. Lammers & H.- E. Scharrer (Hrsg.) (2005): Europa auf dem Weg zum wettbewerbsfähigsten und dynamischsten Wirtschaftsraum der Welt? : eine Zwischenbilannz der Lissabon-Strategie (HWWA-Studien, 76), p. 207-222.