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The pandemic has boosted firm investments in digital technologies


"The Covid-19 pandemic has forced firms to adapt their work processes to the infectious dynamic and the public health measures to contain it. Using survey data of almost 2,000 establishments in Germany, this column shows that the pandemic has accelerated the diffusion of digital technologies, especially in combination with working from home. Investments are particularly prominent in large establishments, while small and medium-sized establishments are less likely to invest in digital technologies and more likely to face financial or logistic barriers to investment. Investments vary a lot across sectors, but are less influenced by the current economic condition of the establishment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Bellmann, L., Bourgeon, P., Gathmann, C., Gleiser, P., Kagerl, C., Kleifgen, E., König, C., Leber, U., Marguerit, D., Martin, L., Pohlan, L., Roth, D., Schierholz, M., Stegmaier, J. & Aminian, A. (2021): The pandemic has boosted firm investments in digital technologies. In: VOX No. 05.08.2021, o. Sz.


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