Covid-19 pandemic and climate change as accelerators of structural change: Skilled labor in times of digitization and defossilisation. IAB Statement on the hearing at the German Council of Economic Experts on October 8, 2020
"In preparation for the Annual Report 2020/2021 of the German Council of Economic Experts, the IAB was asked to provide its expertise on the importance of automation and digitization in the context of the Covid 19 pandemic and the need for action to ensure a sufficient supply of skilled workers also for energy system transformation and defossilisation The findings presented by the IAB in autumn 2020 are summarised in this statement." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
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Grunau, P., Janser, M., Laible, M., Lehmer, F., Matthes, B., Stops, M. & Vicari, B. (2020): Covid-19-Pandemie und Klimawandel als Beschleuniger des Strukturwandels: Fachkräftesicherung in Zeiten von Digitalisierung und Defossilisierung. Stellungnahme des IAB zur Anhörung beim Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung am 8. Oktober 2020. (IAB-Stellungnahme 11/2020), Nürnberg, 10 p.