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A utilitarian approach for the governance of humanitarian migration


"Humanitarian migration creates, on the one hand, huge benefits for those who are protected from war, persecution and other forms of violence, but, on the other hand, involves also net monetary and social costs for the population in host countries providing protection at the same time. This is the core of the ethical and political problem associated with the governance of humanitarian migration. Against this background, this paper discusses whether the provision of protection can be founded on rational ethical principles. By drawing on a utilitarian approach a simple criterion is derived: Humanitarian migration is welfare improving, as long as the benefits of the marginal humanitarian migrant exceed the marginal costs of providing shelter per refugee. Based on this principle, practical solutions for the admission of humanitarian migrants and the international and European coordination of asylum policies are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Brücker, H. (2018): A utilitarian approach for the governance of humanitarian migration. In: Analyse und Kritik, Vol. 40, No. 2, p. 293-320. DOI:10.1515/auk-2018-0016