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Gender inequality and the regime change


"This paper studies gender differences in formal adult education – an instrument argued to be essential for labor market adaptation in response to dramatic institutional changes in Russia’s transition to a liberalized market economy. Results suggest that women faced disadvantages in adult-educational opportunities under state socialism, whereas this has been reversed in the post-Soviet Russia. This, however, was not an outcome of the improved opportunities for women but of worsened opportunities for men. Moreover, returns to adult education in terms of (re-)employment opportunities vary by gender and over time. Adult education was more effective for men than for women under state socialism. With the Soviet Union collapse, men experienced an enormous drop in adult-educational returns, whereas there was marginal (albeit not statistically significant) improvement for women. As a result, men’s returns to adult education went down to the females’ level. Finally, given the emerged female disadvantage in (re-)employment opportunities, adult education seems to be an efficient tool to improve overall labor market chances of women but not to compensate for their relative labor market losses after the Soviet Union collapse." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Kosyakova, Y. (2020): Gender inequality and the regime change. Adult education and labor market rewards in the Soviet and post-Soviet Russia. In: J. Schrader, A. Ioannidou & H.-P. Blossfeld (Hrsg.) (2020): Monetäre und nicht monetäre Erträge von Weiterbildung, p. 51-81. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-25513-8_3