Wie wird man eigentlich ein Marktteilnehmer?
"This paper presents a market-sociological research programme that encompasses eight single publications. The research programme addresses the questions how market actors emerge and embed in existing markets. It argues that the emergence and embedding of market actors builds on a double movement that renders the trajectory (here: the biographies) of the market actors a relevant factor alongside market contexts. I derive this main hypothesis from Harrison C. White's work and demonstrate its pertinence with start-up subsidies in German jobcentres. The approach touches upon method(olog)ical issues of qualitative analysis and network data, which are discussed in two of the articles presented in this contribution. Overall, the research programme focuses on market actors' meaning-making and thus contributes to our understanding of processes of market entry." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
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Bernhard, S. (2018): Wie wird man eigentlich ein Marktteilnehmer? Qualitative Studien zur Gründung und Einbettung von Marktakteuren. (IAB-Discussion Paper 23/2018), Nürnberg, 22 p.