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Weiterbildungsbeteiligung, formale Qualifikation, Kompetenzausstattung und Persönlichkeitsmerkmale


This research report describes results of the project "Weiterbildungsbeteiligung in Deutschland - Kompetenzausstattung, formale Qualifikation und Persönlichkeitsmerkmale" which is funded by the BMBF and shows updated results of Kruppe/Trepesch (2017). Particularly analyses of participation in further training activities of different forms (formal, non-formal, informal) is shown. Besides that the group of (initially) low qualified is analyzed in more detail. The data set contains information on competencies and personality traits which are also analyzed in more detail. Individuals, who are low qualified do not necessarily have low values in competencies, but rather about 20 percent of this group achieve high and highest competence values. The results indicate that individuals who are qualified through initial education do not differ significantly in their personality traits compared to individuals who are qualified through successful participation in formal further training.

Cite article

Kruppe, T. & Baumann, M. (2019): Weiterbildungsbeteiligung, formale Qualifikation, Kompetenzausstattung und Persönlichkeitsmerkmale. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 01/2019), Nürnberg, 95 p.


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