Ressourcenorientierte Förderung von jungen Menschen in Übergangsmaßnahmen
"This paper outlines the main findings of a research project concerned with the development of a didactical intervention for vulnerable youth and young adults participating in a program of the German transition system. Based on a positive paradigm, the following issues are addressed: Regarding specific problems and needs of vulnerable youth and young adults, which aspects should be addressed in a didactical intervention to spur positive development? How can these aspects be taught in a context-sensitive manner? First, this article demonstrates how a prototypical didactic intervention might be designed to fit the requirements of the specific context. Second, generalized design-principles are outlined which ought to guide and inform future practice and research in the context." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
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Schropp, H. (2018): Ressourcenorientierte Förderung von jungen Menschen in Übergangsmaßnahmen. Entwicklung einer prototypischen Fördermaßnahme für vulnerable Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene. (IAB-Discussion Paper 05/2018), Nürnberg, 64 p.