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Zur Integration von Geflüchteten


"In preparation for the Annual Report 2017/18 of the German Council of Economic Experts, the IAB was asked to provide its expertise on the integration of refugees who have come to Germany over the past few years. The IAB commented in Autumn 2017 on their current state of integration into the labour market, examined the obstacles to and the progress made towards integration, and elaborated on the effects of forced immigration on the development of the average annual unemployment rate for 2018. The findings are summarised in this current statement." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Brenzel, H., Brücker, H., Fendel, T., Hauptmann, A., Jaschke, P. & Kosyakova, Y. (2017): Zur Integration von Geflüchteten. (IAB-Stellungnahme 06/2017), Nürnberg, 10 p.


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