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"Durchläufer" und "Drop-Outs"


"This study examines the careers of a cohort of young people who started their vocational education and training in Germany in 2005. By 2013, i. e. when the majority of the cohort of 2005 had reached their mid-twenties, 80 % had been awarded vocational degrees and approximately 6 % of the cohort had dropped out. A majority of 73 % of the cohort has remained in vocational education continuously and remained in the profession they initially chose. Their careers are also associated with subsequent labour market success. In comparison with their peers, who have discontinuous careers in vocational education, they are employed longer and have fewer periods of unemployment." (Author's abstract, © Beltz Juventa) ((en))

Cite article

Kotte, V. (2018): "Durchläufer" und "Drop-Outs". (Dis-)Kontinuitäten von Ausbildungsverläufen im dualen System. In: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, Vol. 64, No. 4, p. 441-460.