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Forced migration to Germany: normative principles, labour market integration and labour market effects


"The costs of forced migration, and with that the humanitarian level of protection that Germany and other countries will provide, are in no small measure affected by the labour market integration of the refugees. With regard to labour market integration, the refugees have very heterogeneous prerequisites to offer: general education is highly polarised; the share of persons who have completed full occupational training low. However, in general, the refugees are still very young on average which makes it easier to integrate them into the educational system and the labour market. What can also be expected is that their propensity for taking risks is high, which in turn is empirically linked to favourable opportunities on the labour market. Finally, one can also expect a higher work motivation, not least because many refugees are very keen to earn money in order to finance family members who are in need.<br> It is essential that integration policies build on these heterogeneous prerequisites." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku)

Cite article

Brücker, H. (2016): Fluchtmigration nach Deutschland: Normative Grundlagen, Arbeitsmarktintegration und Arbeitsmarktwirkungen. In: C. Pfeffer-Hoffmann (Hrsg.) (2016): Profile der Neueinwanderung 2016 : Analysen zum Wandel der Flucht- und Arbeitsmigration nach Deutschland, p. 15-40.