A proposal for the reform of fixed contracts : flexible contributions in unemployment insurance
"The controversy around fixed-term contracts centres around the conflict between the employer's need for flexibility and the employee's need for security. The authors propose flexible contributions for employers to the public unemployment insurance system to balance both interests. The employers' contributions for their temporary staff would increase while the contributions for their permanent staff would in turn decrease slightly. The authors calculate four versions. With regards to the total sum of contributions, the first version holds the contributions received constant while the second version leads to a reduction. They then repeat these two calculations for fixed-term contracts without substantive grounds. The flexibility premium takes into account the higher unemployment risk of employees with fixed-term contracts and establishes monetary incentives for employers to hire employees with permanent contracts." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))
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Hausner, K. & Hohendanner, C. (2017): Der Flexibilitätsbeitrag in der Arbeitslosenversicherung. In: Wirtschaftsdienst, Vol. 97, No. 6, p. 415-420. DOI:10.1007/s10273-017-2153-y