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Exportierende und nicht exportierende Betriebe: Unterschiede der Betriebe zeigen sich auch beim Weiterbildungsengagement


"This report finds that almost 60 per cent of exporting firms in the manufacturing sector invest in further training (betriebliche Weiterbildung). On the other hand this holds for only 34 per cent of non-exporting firms. Within firms engaged in further training however, non-exporters tend to involve a higher fraction of their workers. Exporting firms concentrate training activities on a smaller group of employees, and this training comes in more diverse forms. The results hold also when taking into account firm size, cyclical, regional and sectoral effects. The analysis is based on data from the IAB establishment panel for the years 2000-2014." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Capuano, S., Rhein, T. & Stepanok, I. (2017): Exportierende und nicht exportierende Betriebe: Unterschiede der Betriebe zeigen sich auch beim Weiterbildungsengagement. (IAB-Kurzbericht 07/2017), Nürnberg, 6 p.


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