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False self-employment in Germany: Low qualified workers and labor market entrants at risk


"Recent years have seen a growing interest in false self-employment and in legal guides on how to avoid false self-employment in Germany. The legal uncertainty is striking: What are typical characteristics of false self-employment? How many individuals work as false self-employed? Who are the false self-employed workers? A recent study of the IAB answers these questions by employing two different legal concepts. First, the study applies a law concept relying on prevailing case law in Germany focusing on personal dependence. Second, the study applies a law concept that extends the first concept by focusing additionally on chances and risks of self-employed work." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Dietrich, H. & Patzina, A. (2017): Scheinselbständigkeit in Deutschland: Vor allem Geringqualifizierte und Berufseinsteiger gehören zu den Risikogruppen. (IAB-Kurzbericht 01/2017), Nürnberg, 8 p.


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