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Employment before and after receiving unemployment insurance benefits (ALG I): selected findings according to original and target branches


"In two current reports, the IAB has analysed paths into and out of drawing unemployment insurance benefits (ALG I) throughout all branches (Stephan/Rhein 2014, Stephan 2014). This report supplements the findings found there with the corresponding results according to branches, job level, and qualification level.<br> In particular the following were examined: Most of the entries into ALG I are from which branches, and in which branches do the most people take up employment again? How many people originating from certain sectors need to top up ALG I with benefits from Basic Income Support? Do branches show differences with respect to the wage dynamics and the structure of the job/education of persons who move on to ALG I receipt? Do branches differ in respect to the structure of the job/education of persons who move on from ALG I receipt? How often do people move to a lower or higher level of job after receiving ALG I? And, are there any differences between branches here?" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku)

Cite article

Hofmann, B. & Stephan, G. (2016): Beschäftigung vor und nach dem ALG-I-Bezug: Ausgewählte Befunde nach Herkunfts- und Zielbranchen. (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Berichte 17/2016), Nürnberg, 15 p.


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