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New hires at the minimum wage level: Requirements and recruitment difficulties increased


"In 2015, German firms hired a total of 122,000 persons covered by social security at the minimum wage level of 8.50 EURO/h. The German Job Vacancy Survey indicates that firms' requirements for such positions increased. In view of higher requirements, filling vacancies at the minimum wage level became more difficult. Firms experienced a lower number of suitable applicants and longer search durations. Some of the employers responded to the increase in recruitment difficulties by again lowering their increased demands concerning qualification and work experience." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Gürtzgen, N., Kubis, A., Rebien, M. & Weber, E. (2016): Neueinstellungen auf Mindestlohnniveau: Anforderungen und Besetzungsschwierigkeiten gestiegen. (IAB-Kurzbericht 12/2016), Nürnberg, 8 p.


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