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Selektivität beim Zugang zu Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen


"This paper investigates the selectivity of vocational training courses on Germany's labor market. We consider the case of a special program, which provides vocational training for low-skilled unemployed. We analyze the factors systematically determining the probability of participation in the training program. To this end, we use survey data from participants and a control group and combine it with administrative data. The empirical results suggest that persons with a relatively high attachment to the labor market are more likely to be allocated to the courses. Persons with longer regular employment spells or longer duration in the unemployment insurance system exhibit a significantly higher probability of participation. By contrast, receiving means-tested social benefits in the past reduce participation chances systematically. Some indicators for competencies also play a role: Computer skills and a good understanding of texts increase the probability of participation, external locus of control decreases it. In general, our results indicate selectivity towards 'good risks' in the program." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Fertig, M. & Osiander, C. (2015): Selektivität beim Zugang zu Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen. Die Bedeutung individueller und struktureller Determinanten am Beispiel der "Initiative zur Flankierung des Strukturwandels". In: Schmollers Jahrbuch, Vol. 135, No. 3, p. 279-306. DOI:10.3790/schm.135.3.279