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Job placement vouchers for the unemployed: Frequently issued but rarely redeemed


"Job placement vouchers were introduced in 2002 as an instrument of active labour market policy in Germany. To increase competition between public and private job placement services, the voucher is issued by the public employment service to entitled unemployed persons who are then free to choose any private placement agency. The agency can redeem the voucher after successful placement. Using data for 2004 and 2007, this paper analyses the number of vouchers issued, the rate at which they are redeemed, and the stability of the jobs taken up using vouchers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Bernhard, S. & Kruppe, T. (2010): Vermittlungsgutscheine für Arbeitslose: Oft ausgegeben und selten eingelöst. (IAB-Kurzbericht 21/2010), Nürnberg, 8 p.


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