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Labour market policy with the aid of the European Social Fund : supplementary ESF funding of SGB III - implementation and outcomes


"The active labour market policy of the Federal Government regulated by Book III of the Social Code was additionally supported by resources from the European Social Fund from the beginning of 2000 to autumn 2008. The programme was introduced under the auspices of BMAS (formerly the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Order, today the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) with funding guidelines that were subsequently altered several times. The programme was implemented by the Federal Employment Agency (BA).<br> In the summer of 2000, BMAS assigned the accompanying research on the ESF-BA Programme to IAB. In the following years, the project team at IAB issued annual project reports, among them - in accordance with the ESF specifications - reports on the mid-term evaluation of the programme in 2003 and on their updating in 2005. In addition to this, the relevant professional circles in the fields of science and labour market policy were kept informed through numerous publications providing interim results from the accompanying research (please see list at the end of the report). The accompanying research concludes its work with the current report. The report begins with a résumé of the findings which ensued from programme implementation analysis. Next, the results of studies on the main measures of the programme that were funded are presented: vocational training of the unemployed; training during short-time work due to final job cuts ; coaching of business start-ups out of unemployment; promotion of job-related German language skills of unemployed persons with a migration background. This presentation focuses in particular on the impact analysis of the effects on the success of participants in the labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Deeke, A. (2010): Arbeitsmarktpolitik mit dem Europäischen Sozialfonds. Ergänzung des SGB III aus Mitteln des ESF - Umsetzung und Wirkungen. (IAB-Bibliothek 325), Bielefeld: Bertelsmann, 379 p. DOI:10.3278/300721w

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