Objective and structure of the "Hartz evaluation"
"This paper does not go into the results of the Hartz evaluation but explains the general framework of this large research project. It is emphasised that the extensive investigations as to the effects of active labour market policy symbolise a new quality in the discourse of policy and research in Germany. Firstly the motivations and objectives of the contracting authority are described. The contracting authority is simultaneously the main party to whom the results are addressed. Secondly the paper explains the structure of the investigations and shows what considerable demands were made on those conducting the investigations. Finally the paper shows that the Hartz evaluation is not just any project but one that influences future labour market research in Germany. The project could not yet have been translated into action in this form a few years ago and represents an example of a new form of scientific policy advice." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Cite article
Heyer, G. (2006): Zielsetzung und Struktur der "Hartz-Evaluation". In: Zeitschrift für ArbeitsmarktForschung, Vol. 39, No. 3/4, p. 467-476.