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"A little light work outside and the hard work at home - that will equal things out!" : changed institutional framework conditions in employment and social administration and the persistency of traditional interpretive patterns


The authors report on a labour market policy measure that is being carried out under the title 'Stadtteilmütter' (neighbourhood mothers) in North Rhine-Westphalia. This measure is intended to enable foreign women who are not immediately employable on the labour market but have a knowledge of German and a certificate of primary school education to take part in subsidized employment. The aim here is to encourage them to become motivated towards contributing to overcoming the needy situation of their household by taking up independent gainful employment. Using interview protocols it is shown that the assumption of a culturally induced distance from the labour market only applies to some of the women while most are already motivated to get a job. What is criticised is that the measure is a purely social policy aid project implemented by means of lay support within the ethnic community. (IAB)

Cite article

Bauer, F. & Jung, M. (2016): "Und 'n bisschen leichte Arbeit draußen und das Schwere zuhause, dann gleicht sich das dann aus!". Veränderte institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen in der Arbeits- und Sozialverwaltung und persistente traditionelle Deutungsmuster. In: K. Sammet, F. Bauer & F. Erhard (Hrsg.) (2016): Lebenslagen am Rande der Erwerbsgesellschaft, p. 149-169.