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Perspektiven der Organisationssoziologie


"The introduction to this volume provides a short overview of the sociology of organizations and then outlines challenges to organizational theory and research, crosscutting conventional lines of analysis. First, focus is given to the old tension between trust and control, as it is seen for in an actor oriented approach and applied to leadership; to the effectiveness of group performance; to the development of rules in organizations over time; to strategic alliances between organizations; and more. Does such an approach hold strong? Second, reference is made to the problem of embeddedness of actors in groups, groups in organizations, organizations in organizational fields, and organizations in society at large. While context matters, it seems an open question whether its influence vanishes in times of an ever increasing permeability in and between organizations. Based on these two central issues that are covered by all articles presented in this volume, questions of organizational change and social stratification are discussed and methodological issues are outlined." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Allmendinger, J. & Hinz, T. (2002): Perspektiven der Organisationssoziologie. In: J. Allmendinger & T. Hinz (Hrsg.) (2002): Organisationssoziologie (Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. Sonderheft, 42), p. 9-28.