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Strengthening the mental health of young unemployed people : an analysis of the immediate action programme to reduce youth unemployment (JUMP)


"One of the latent aims of the measures carried out in the context of the immediate action programme for young people is to promote the mental health of the participants, thus strengthening their ability to cope with external and internal demands. The paper examines whether and if so, how, the mental health had changed following participation in the programme. The participants were interviewed during and after the measure and the results of the of the repetition interviews were compared. The analysis shows - differentiated according to gender - the influence of various factors on the mental health of the young people. Some of the participants' mental health seemed to have strengthened after completing the measure compared with their first interviews, in some of the other participants a deterioration of their condition could be ascertained instead. The financial situation, the degree of work involvement, the type of measure attended and the labour market status achieved are factors that can be considered to have some influence. In both male and female participants, a high level of work involvement was associated with positive effects on the mental health, whereas financial restrictions corresponded with a deterioration in health values." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Behle, H. (2001): Die Stärkung der seelischen Gesundheit arbeitsloser Jugendlicher. Eine Analyse zum Sofortprogramm zum Abbau der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit (JUMP). In: Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Vol. 34, No. 4, p. 461-476.


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