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Employment possibilities in information-intensive service firms for employees with qualifications gained in the dual system of vocational training


"The labour markets of developed economies are characterised by a shift towards a service society, the globalisation of the economy, the increasing use of information and communication technology (ICT) and a rise in workers' qualification levels. This paper shows for the German service sector that technological progress also reduces the employment prospects of employees who have successfully completed a course of training in the German dual system of initial vocational training (qualified employees), who are well-trained when compared internationally. In firms with a high level of investment in ICT technology and high innovation expenditure, the proportion of qualified employees is comparatively low. Furthermore the proportion of qualified employees is clearly lower in firms providing services for business than in the other service sectors. Firms with a high level of investment in new technologies and business-related service providers are, however, attractive employers for qualified employees because they demonstrate a comparatively high level of job security and profitability. If these firms recruit relatively few qualified employees, the attraction of the dual system of vocational training decreases even if the employment figures of qualified employees remain the same. This paper also goes into the question as to whether the lower demand for qualified employees in business-related service firms can be put down to a lack of qualifications or to other reasons. Recent survey results show that the training above all in commercial occupations is being criticised by business-related service providers in particular with regard to skills related to network technologies and new information technologies as well as languages. Also the qualified employees themselves see a need to catch up in these areas. Thus an increase in the proportion of qualified employees in the business-related service sector could be achieved by reducing the qualification deficits in the training occupations cited by the firms." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Zwick, T. (2001): Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten von Fachkräften mit Dualer Ausbildung in informationsintensiven Dienstleistungsunternehmen. In: Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Vol. 34, No. 1, p. 74-81.


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