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Räumliche Wachstumszusammenhänge


"This study considers spatial association in growth rates of neighbouring regions in West-Germany between 1976 and 1996. The relevance of such growth relations derives from the spatial dimension of mechanisms, that are of central importance for regional development - as e.g. factor mobility or technology spill-overs. The analysis of the regional development in West-Germany points to a significant spatial association in growth rates. The results imply that spatial neighbourhood affects the intensity of growth dependencies. Notable is moreover that both the decline of regional disparities and spatial association in growth rates seem to mark the development in West-Germany simultaneously. According to the findings growth dependencies are partly caused by technology spill-overs. Though, the results also indicate that there have to be further sources of spatial association in growth." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Niebuhr, A. (2000): Räumliche Wachstumszusammenhänge. Empirische Befunde für Deutschland. (HWWA discussion paper 84), Hamburg, 34 p.