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Central and East Europeans in the member countries of the European Union since 1990


"The main objective of this report is to reconsider what has actually happened since 1990 concerning East-West migration and its effects on population and employment. The purpose of the analysis of present migration flows and levels is to identify the countries, sectors and segments of labour markets which are mainly affected. The analysis of recent migration and its effects will include.<br> -migration flows, levels and nationality structure between the CEECs and the EU and its present EU members;<br> -effects of migration processes on population and its composition by nationalities;<br> -general developments of CEE employment in the EU (including concentration of CEEs from the various countries on the various EU member states);<br> -the sectoral, industry-related and regional distribution of CEE labour;<br> -the age and skill structure of CEE employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Hönekopp, E. (1999): Central and East Europeans in the member countries of the European Union since 1990. Development and structure of migration, population and employment. Background report to "The impact of eastern enlargement on employment and wages in the EU member states, task 2: The impact of migration. Nürnberg, 43 p.