IAB's medium and long term labour market projections
"The topics of this contribution - the forecasting activities of the Institute of Employment Research (IAB), the 'information products', their usefulness for policy-making, the problems experienced and plans - raise an lot of questions. Moreover, the IAB has now been working in the field of medium and long-term labour market forecasting for more than 25 years. So it is necessary to select some crucial points for this contribution. These crucial points are:<br> - The IAB concept of alternative prognostics.<br> - The steps in the 'traditional' IAB labour market projections.<br> - The ambiguity of projections by occupations - the 'Handbook of Employment Opportunities' as an alternative to projections.<br> - The role of occupational flexibility.<br> - The phenomenon of a self-destroying prophecy.<br> - The evaluation of labour market projections." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Cite article
Kühlewind, G. (1994): IAB's medium and long term labour market projections. Selected aspects. In: H. Heijke (Hrsg.) (1994): Forecasting the labour market by occupation and education : the forecasting activities of three European labour market research institutes, p. 181-195.