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Problems in assessing the success of occupational rehabilitation


"Assessing the success of occupational rehabilitation is problematic from both theoretical and methodical viewpoints to. Some of the relationships and determinants to be considered in this respect are discussed in the report. As the depth of analysis that can be reached is also clearly significant for the dignity of the assessment of success, this should be taken into consideration in the evaluation of occupational rehabilitation. This applies in particular to the value-related assessment of success. Taking empirical findings into account, it is thus shown in four stages what statements are possible with what complexity at the various methodical levels and to what extent any restrictions would have to be asserted. Orientational analyses favour the use merely of social statistics criteria and situational characteristics, which in the case of successful placement in employment make it possible to obtain statements on the occupational destination, differentiated according to age, qualification level, gender etc. These analyses do not permit a number of fundamental statements on the assessment of success - such as for example on occupational and social integration. Possible solutions could be found in differentiating and extended analyses regarding contents, which for example include the relationship between requirements and abilities. Preliminary considerations on this matter are introduced to some extent. The advantages of multi-method approaches, as are used for example in the context of a systematic casuistry, can be found in the possible linking of meaningful data from several criteria areas which is possible with case analyses, e.g. of the endurance test, social education assistance and occupational guidance. These advantages seem to be associated for the present mainly with so-called concrete, object-related studies (i.e. in vocational training centres for young people, occupational rehabilitation centres, rehabilitation clinics etc.). Nevertheless, from the perspective of a top-down approach, which follows the paradigm of a methodical step-by-step programme, a procedure would be conceivable which, going beyond the 'aggregate level', includes further levels, even the 'case level'. Reference is made to first examples of this procedure, such as in the study of dropouts from initial vocational training." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Plath, H. & Blaschke, D. (1999): Probleme der Erfolgsfeststellung in der beruflichen Rehabilitation. In: Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Vol. 32, No. 1, p. 61-69.


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