Different institutional arrangements for job placement
"The main purpose of this chapter is to assess the effects of different regulatory regimes (placement monopoly versus coexistence) on the functioning of the labor market by using a transnational analysis. The chapter starts with theoretical considerations on the role of employment services as brokers in the labor market. Subsequently, different institutional arrangements for job placement are discussed by comparing regulations and appropriate empirical findings internationally. Finally, the chapter examines the need for institutional changes and innovations in the area of job placement." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
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Buttler, F. & Walwei, U. (1995): Different institutional arrangements for job placement. In: F. Buttler, W. Franz, R. Schettkat & D. Soskice (Hrsg.) (1995): Institutional frameworks and labor market performace : comparative views on the U.S. and German economies, p. 248-269.