The entry into the labour market and first career phase of graduates with an ad-ditional vocational qualification : an article on the education policy controversy "HIS versus Büchel/Helberger"
"The study examines the contentious question as to whether or not graduates with an additional vocational qualification (doubly qualified graduates) find access to the labour market more easily than graduates without an additional qualification. For this first of all the designs of the forerunner studies by HIS and Büchel/Helberger are replicated as closely as possible with a new data basis (BIBB/IAB survey of 1991/92). The following results were obtained from this: Immediately after completing their studies doubly qualified graduates are not only observed more frequently in regular employment than those with a single qualification, but are also more frequently represented in positions suited to their level of training and education. The results of HIS thus tend to be confirmed. If however - in accordance with the study approach of Büchel/Helberger - a longer search time is permitted, it can be seen that (on average) four and a half years after completing a university degree doubly qualified graduates are significantly less often employed appropriately for their qualifications compared with graduates with a single qualification. This result tends to correspond with that of Büchel/Helberger; the search period permitted there of one and a half years was not replicable for data-technical reasons. A further stage of the study shows that these conflicting result patterns are caused by the fact that those with just a university qualification more frequently go straight into adequate positions following a longer period of non-employment compared with doubly qualified graduates. In addition this group, having gained a position suited to their level of qualification immediately after completing their studies, manage to retain this position throughout the study period significantly more frequently than the comparison group. If these different transition sets intersect as early as during the first one and a half years (and a priori there is nothing to be said against this supposition), then the results of Büchel/Helberger are thus also confirmed. Thus there is an explanation for the supposedly conflicting results of HIS and Büchel/Helberger: they are caused by the considerable difference between the two study designs and are thus free of contradiction." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
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Büchel, F. (1997): Berufseinmündung und erste Karrierephase von Akademikern mit einer beruflichen Zusatzqualifikation. Ein Beitrag zur bildungspolitischen Kontroverse HIS versus Büchel/Helberger. In: Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Vol. 30, No. 3, p. 620-634.