Introduction: New approaches to the analysis of occupational segregation by gender
"In her introduction to the documentation of the international colloquium that took place in Nuremberg in November 1994 the author summarises those aspects that give new impulses to future research on occupational segregation itself as well as its explanation. The central questions in the analysis of occupational segregation form the framework with which the single findings and ideas are relaited.<br> What is gender specific occupational segregation?<br> How is occupational segregation by gender measured?<br> How can occupational segregation by gender be explained theoretically?<br> How does occupational segregation develop over time and across countries?"<br> (author's abstrace, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Cite article
Beckmann, P. (1996): Introduction: New approaches to the analysis of occupational segregation by gender. Introduction. In: P. Beckmann (Hrsg.) (1996): Gender specific occupational segregation (Beiträge zur Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, 188), p. 1-15.