Profiling as an instrument for early identification of people at risk of long-term unemployment
This chapter is part of a volume dealing with concepts and instruments relating to measures to promote the employability of workers. The author introduces the method of profiling, with which the risk of long-term unemployment is to be identified and combatted at an early stage; he describes the factors that influence the risk of permanent unemployment and reports on the experiences made in other countries with profiling. (IAB)
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Rudolph, H. (2001): Le profilage comme instrument d'identification précoce des personnes menacées de chômage de longue durée. In: P. Weinert, M. Baukens, P. Bollerot, M. Pineschi-Gapenne & U. Walwei (Hrsg.) (2001): L'employabilité : de la théorie à la pratique (Sécurité sociale, 04), p. 29-60.