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Demographic change and the labour market for care work


Demographic change is having an impact on the labour market for carers partly through the increase in the number of persons requiring care and partly through a decrease in the reserves of care staff. In Germany, the aging of the population (and with that the increase in the number of persons requiring care) and the decline in the population vary from region to region. The example of Brandenburg is used to illustrate the demographically determined drop in the supply in the number of workers available. The current balances for the German care work market point to a growing shortage of labour in the future. Finally, various measures towards covering the requirement for care workers are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku)

Cite article

Bogai, D. & Hirschenauer, F. (2015): Demografischer Wandel und Pflegearbeitsmarkt. In: U. Bettig, M. Frommelt, M. Roes, R. Schmidt & G. Thiele (Hrsg.) (2015): Personalentwicklung in der Pflege : Analysen - Herausforderungen - Lösungsansätze. Jahrbuch Pflegemanagement, p. 1-31.

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