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NEET and socially disadvantaged young people in transition to working life : concepts, findings, discussions


"In European social reporting and labour market discussions, the acronym NEET ('not in employment, education, or training') stands for a group of socially disadvantaged young people with special educational needs. In the following contribution, the emergence of the term will be sketched and figures on NEETs in Europe presented. In addition, the validity of the category NEET, which groups together young people in many different life situations, will be illuminated. After that we will take a look at the status of research on the determining factors, consequences and the perspectives of the young people in the NEET group and will discuss these critically." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku)

Cite article

Schels, B. (2016): NEET und sozial benachteiligte junge Menschen im Übergang in das Erwerbsleben. Konzepte, Befunde, Diskussionen. In: A. Lange, H. Reiter, S. Schutter & C. Steiner (Hrsg.) (2016): Handbuch Kindheits- und Jugendsoziologie, p. 241-252. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-05676-6_14-1