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Structual change and chances to enter training


"There are not many studies that provide a comprehensive analysis of the historical development of the crossroads to various areas of vocational training. This article deals with the question of whether the chances of receiving a fully qualified training have changed over the last 30 years for the various different levels of education. On the one hand we are interested in the degree to which demographic changes and economic fluctuations influence transition and, on the other, changes in the access chances of school leavers with differing leaving certificates. The basis of the data is the IAB Study 'Arbeiten und Lernen im Wandel' (ALWA: Working and Learning in a Changing World), in which roughly 10,000 adults were asked about the course of their life. Our analyses show that the chances of transition to training have diverged over time between educational groups. Hauptschüler (pupils of lower secondary schools) and Realschüler (pupils of intermediate secondary schools) have above all poor chances of transition if unemployment is high or if the cohort of school-leavers is large. But even beyond economically and demographically engendered bottlenecks and when the composition of these groups is controlled, the length of time taken for transition into training has increased for both of the groups. On the other hand, the transitions of those with Abitur (university entrance qualifications) have not been influenced by fluctuations on the market or long-term structural changes over the course of the three decades analysed here." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku)

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Kleinert, C. & Jacob, M. (2012): Strukturwandel des Übergangs in eine berufliche Ausbildung. In: R. Becker & H. Solga (Hrsg.) (2012): Soziologische Bildungsforschung (Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. Sonderheft, 52), p. 211-233. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-00120-9_9