Life at the edge of the paid employment society
"The publication examines individual perceptions of poverty and the way people adapt to situations of poverty. It analyses the conditions that recipients of welfare benefits have been exposed to since social policy was realigned.<br> In the wake of the realignment of social policy in Germany in line with the paradigm of the 'activating' social state, 'Hartz IV' became a stigma. At the same time, people tend not to be aware of the particular living circumstances that benefit recipients - the unemployed or those with minimal earnings - are exposed to. This can harbour the risk of social exclusion. The publication is a collection of papers from current research projects examining individual perceptions of, and ways of adapting to situations of poverty and benefit receipt. Using varied target groups, these contributions show how the long-term unemployed, 'topper-uppers' and those in precarious employment cope with the effort of finding work in order to secure a living." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku)
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Sammet, K., Bauer, F. & Erhard, F. (eds.) (2016): Lebenslagen am Rande der Erwerbsgesellschaft. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, 251 p.