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Labor market perspectives of nursing stuff


"This paper deals with the increasing maladjustments of the labor market for nursing staff. The relationship between aging of population and cases for nursing care is surveyed. Crucial assumptions for the effects on labor demand are changing kinds of caring provision and the expected productivity of nursing staff. Statistical identification of number, working time and qualification of nursing staff is discussed. The studies of the future labor market for nursing staff exhibit different findings in accordance to divergent assumptions. Provisions to expand the supply of labor and to limit the caring demand are discussed. Given the numerous imponderabilities for forecasting labor shortages and the regional disparities of important parameters a framework of a regional labor market monitoring is suggested. This new feature provides a better analytical base of the developments in the nursing care sector. The findings should continuously assessed for local action." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Bogai, D. (2014): Perspektiven des Arbeitsmarktes für Pflegekräfte. In: Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, Vol. 83, No. 4, p. 107-122. DOI:10.3790/vjh.83.4.107