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Qualifikations- und Berufsfeldprojektionen bis 2030: Engpässe und Überhänge regional ungleich verteilt


"Due to a shrinking and aging population Germany is threatened by increasing shortages in skilled staff in the medium and long run. Different labor market situations in the regions are expected according to population development and economic structure. In this publication the results of the first region-specific BIBB-IAB Qualifications and Occupational Field Projections (QuBe Project) are presented. The authors differentiate by twenty extended main occupational fields and five skill levels in six regions. The projections show the development paths up to 2030, when past trends will continue in the future." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Zika, G., Maier, T., Helmrich, R., Hummel, M., Kalinowski, M., Hänisch, C., Wolter, M. & Mönnig, A. (2015): Qualifikations- und Berufsfeldprojektionen bis 2030: Engpässe und Überhänge regional ungleich verteilt. (IAB-Kurzbericht 09/2015), Nürnberg, 12 p.


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